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  • Writer's pictureMike Wainwright

PCT Week One: A New Perspective

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

It all started with a single step. A step that so many have taken before. A step into the unknown. A step towards Canada.

There are so many words I could use to explain the first week of our thru hike of the Pacific Crest Trail. Invigorating, challenging, and humbling are just a few ways to describe our first week on trail. All of it culminating in the quaint town of Julian, CA.

After saying our final goodbyes we left the southern terminus signaling the start of the journey. The first two nights were a blur. There is so much that’s new. The people are new, the routines are new, and the scenery is new. All of these combined made for a fairly overwhelming 48 hours. Once the chaos subsided and we came to terms with what is our new reality, the trail became our friend. Miles came easier and the days became more enjoyable. We were starting to understand what it took to be successful at this thru hiking thing.

The feeling of success felt great, even if it was just a few small victories. Yet, it was not something we’d be getting comfortable with.

After six long days in the backcountry it was time for a stop into town. We set our sights on Julian. There was only one problem. The highway that would lead us there was 25 miles away.

After a short deliberation we decided we were going for it. Our bodies felt rested and the day was still young.

The day was littered with long climbs, steep descents, and brilliant sunlight. It was one of the most challenging days we’d have on trail thus far. However, as the sun began to set and the desert began to cool, we made it to the iconic scissors crossing.

From there we hitched a ride into town where we’d spend the next 36 hours swapping stories with other hikers and recovering from our first week on trail.

This would mark the end of week one and it was nothing short of amazing. There were a lot of lessons learned in the first week. Lessons that we look forward to implementing as the next week begins.

Week one was amazing and I wouldn’t have wanted it to go any other way. Thank you to all of you for your kind words and your support. Both provide motivation when the day gets difficult.

To make sure you are up to date on all of our trail antics make sure you are following us on Instagram. All of our pages are linked on our website! We appreciate every single one of you. We look forward to continue sharing this journey with you.

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